






The Green Dot

Passive House Accelerator Podcast

Passive House Accelerator Podcast

Passive House Accelerator Podcast Passive House Accelerator Podcast Categories: Cohost Matthew Cutler-Welsh interviews Melbourne-based Alex Slater, architect at Shared Space Architecture, Passive House Designer, and NatHERS Assessor. Alex shares how he’s...
Our Carbon Neutrality

Our Carbon Neutrality

Our Carbon Neutrality Our Carbon Neutrality Categories: For the financial year 2019-20 Shared Space Architecture has made a contribution to Greenfleet in the act of offsetting our carbon emissions which we as Australians contribute to the environment. We do this...
Stimulus to Surplus

Stimulus to Surplus

Stimulus to Surplus Stimulus to Surplus Categories: So you’ve decided to renovate your home… With the assistance of homeowner stimulus packages and a current uncertainty around the climate for home buyers in the Melbourne area on top of restrictions imposed by...
Stepping Outside the Comfort Zone

Stepping Outside the Comfort Zone

Stepping Outside the Comfort Zone Stepping Outside the Comfort Zone Categories: In March 2020 I made a decision to do without a heater this Winter after cycling in Tasmania and surviving some cold nights in only a tent. Had I known about losing one job in April, an...
Welcome to our Website

Welcome to our Website

Welcome to our Website Welcome to our Website Categories: Welcome to our virtual space. Amidst COVID-19 restrictions in Melbourne we still managed to push this out to you to reach us and build connections. It’s Alex here, writing from Melbourne and encouraging...
The Value of Shop Drawing

The Value of Shop Drawing

The Value of Shop Drawing The Value of Shop Drawing Categories: Shop drawing is not just about co-ordination with trades. It is also about retaining architectural intent throughout the whole design and construction process. In earlier days, architects were the primary...