Sep 2, 2020 | Share, The Green Dot
Stepping Outside the Comfort Zone Stepping Outside the Comfort Zone Categories: In March 2020 I made a decision to do without a heater this Winter after cycling in Tasmania and surviving some cold nights in only a tent. Had I known about losing one job in April, an... Aug 10, 2020 | Collaboration, Share, Shop Drawing, The Green Dot
Welcome to our Website Welcome to our Website Categories: Welcome to our virtual space. Amidst COVID-19 restrictions in Melbourne we still managed to push this out to you to reach us and build connections. It’s Alex here, writing from Melbourne and encouraging... Jul 24, 2020 | Share, The Green Dot
Passivhaus: An Energy Tool? Passivhaus: An Energy Tool? Categories: The Passivhaus Planning Package (or PHPP) is an Excel workbook designed to balance energy. It discovers the losses and gains and weighs them against each other. The tool is only as conservative as the...
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