





The Green Dot

Judd Extension
Judd Extension
Judd Skylight to Existing Hall

A collaboration with Geoff Driscoll Architects in Canberra. This extension asked for more light and a split level at the front to create a two level living area. With light battered over a large skylight and a void underneath to give light access to the lower floor we feel this space works hard with a simple palette.

Looking back into the existing house and kitchen it is evident that far more light is drawn into places which were previously dark.

The upper storey living room has a view over the splendid hills of Canberra. A particularly good spot to sit during a Winter’s day. 

The entry has been incorporated into the new extension and allows easy access to both lower and upper levels of the living spaces. Just at the entry there is also a place for plants above the coat cupboard!

In section the scale of the existing house in comparison to the extension is evident as well as the way we chose to use architecture to deal with natural light and the softening of that light. The overall circulation of the dwelling has been improved as a result of this extension. 
