





The Green Dot

Whalley Street
Whalley Street
Whalley Street Overview

This is a collaboration between DiMase Architects and Shared Space Architecture. We worked together on implementing strategies in the ambition to achieve Passivhaus Certification. This is the first project we have done with ‘The Green Dot’ offering.

Part of the ease is DiMase Architects understood the principles required to achieve Passivhaus and had already implemented strategies to work towards the Passivhaus standard. Part of the challenge was the dwelling had already started construction so we had to be strategic in our approach.

The PHPP requires that you measure Areas for the External Building Envelope, Footprint and Treated Floor Area according the the Passivhaus Standard. You are also required to measure the length of Thermal Bridges, The Volume of the conditioned space and show where shading elements exist.

We use Cadwork to measure these as it provides an accurate analysis of the building envelope and it also makes it easy to add structural elements to check the condition of the envelope.

By using software which is capable of adding structure to the model we went further and graphically implemented a lot of the Engineer’s specifications to assess collisions and work out how the airtightness membrane should be installed on site.

This project has achieved the Passive House Institute’s ‘Low-Energy-Building‘ standard. The team is super proud of this achievement.

Shared Space Architecture would like to acknowledge the efforts by the architect (DiMase Architects), builder (Appetite for Construction) and the Passive House Certifier (Clare Parry) and their co-operative collaboration and experience. Particular gratitude goes to the owners of this home for they upmost understanding, insight and enquiry into the process we have undertaken.

The take away from this project is that although it did not meet the airtightness requirement of the Passive House standard, the performance as shown through the PHPP still achieves an Energy Demand of less than the threshold required for Passive House. This is likely due to the awesome solar gains and incredible amount of insulation in the walls and roof.

Below are some models of the project for you to view. They do take some time to load, so feel free to click and let them load (perhaps grab a drink too – a small drink) if you are interested in having a look.
